Friday 17 May 2013

Other features

Here are few Zoutch ! features:

Checklist look and feel:
When a question is  "complete", a green tick will appear at the left end of the question.

Admin or user can add comments to a question at any time even when the question is complete.
With Zoutch! Organize just any kind of event !
With Zoutch!, organize just any kind of event !

Drag & Drop:
Once created, questions and tabs are draggable and droppable.

Admin can upload a picture and / or provide full description of what the zoutch is about.

You can choose among several questions.The dropdown list "Menu" contains different questions. When choosing one or the other, Zoutch ! will open appropriate question box so that one can easlily design it.

Zoutch ! allows 2 modes: Admin & User mode
The admin mode allows you to create your own zoutchs whereas the user mode is dedicated  to the admin's contacts. As usual, the admin mode provides many rights that the user mode doesn't get by default.

Different notifications can be sent to the admin or to the contacts.

Question settings:
Zoutch ! provides different question settings in order to customize the end user interface.

It is possible to create tabs to organize your questions.

User rights:
Admin can grant contacts special user rights.
The more rights contacts have, the more collaborative the zoutch is.

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